The nurses have a superstition that if you say the H word (H O M E) then you will jinx yourself so they don't say that you are going (H O M E) they say you are going to Disneyland (and anyone who knows us well knows why this is hysterical). At this point if they told me I had to be hung upside down, dipped in pancake batter, and wood shavings, I would do it. So...
We're going to DISNEYLAND!
They snuck in the sleep study on Monday night (and I'm so thrilled it's done I can't even get upset that they didn't call me even though they promised they would). We don't have the official results except you did well but will definitely go home on oxygen.
As soon as we get the official results we will do your car seat study, get all the at home monitors, oxygen, etc ordered and we will be able to go.
I'm thinking maybe Thursday? I'm of course bugging them to get everything done asap so we can go.
Yesterday was the resident Smith's last day with us. We are so sorry to see him go but are thrilled for him that he has completed another step in his residency. Dr Smith was the one who had to put up with me most of the time and funny enough we ended up friendly. I credit Dr Smith with single handily (with a well timed jaw thrust) keeping you from getting re-intubated at one point during the longest night of our lives.
I've said it before it makes so much difference when the people on your medical team actually care for your child. I've worked with enough Dr's to know a great one when I see one. He's a great one.
Let me be the very first to say "Yaaaayyyy"! I do use the hope and home words lots (also bugger, bollocks, and a huge variety of others too) so am thinking them hard even if you don't feel able to. Every photo I see of that baby boy stuns me with his engagement and determination and (sure I have said this before) bloody-mindedness! Keeping everything crossed for major positive life changes for you all.
Prayers and hope you get to go to "Disneyland" soon!!!!
so happy to read this!
continued prayers for a trip to disneyland!
and YAY for awesome doctors =)
SO excited to hear this! Praying that you are able to be together as a family SOON. Awesome news - thanks for keeping us updated!
Love to you all! -Erin
That is the BEST NEWS ever...Soooo happy. You did it Mason, good for you.
This makes me so happy to read this. Wonderful and awesome news!!!!!
Such good news! Praying for you!
What an awesome report! I'm so glad you will soon be at your happy place (that's an h-word too!). Mason is such a little fighter and you have done an awesome job fighting for your little precious one. Hang in there. The good life is coming soon!
What wonderful news. I hope your wish comes true very soon!
So good to see such good news about the Big "D". God Bless
Yay!!! So exciting! Maybe you will get to go home Friday when we do! That would be an exciting day for both of us....I'm sure for you more than us but still very exciting! I am so happy for you guys!
Here's praying that the car seat test goes well! Good luck!
OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS, OOOH MYYYY GOOOODNESS!!! Yaaaaay for the happiest place on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fantastic blessing!!!!!!!
Fantastic news guys! I'm sorry to be a little out of the loop.. with life as it is. I remember the moment we took Reu home and of course I booked the shoot for the very next day!
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